Thanks to the new TV show from HBO, Watchmen has been in the popular eye more than ever. The original Watchmen was of course a highly influential graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons that helped popularize grim, gritty takes on superheroes. Now that everyone is writing about Watchmen, I’m going to try and take a different approach. In this article, I’m mainly going to be talking about what makes the original comic one of the best comics ever. I’m also going to try and talk about Zack Snyder’s controversial 2009 Watchmen movie. Although the movie has received a lot of criticism over the years, I really like it. Although there are many problems with it, it very faithfully adapts the source material and manages to really lock into what makes the comic good in the first place, making it a worthwhile viewing experience for any Watchmen fan. Also, I’m not going to try and compare the TV show and the movie and pit them against each other. The TV show is a different story that deserves its own, separate analysis.